Friday, September 10, 2010

Some Good News: Journal Update

Just wanted to give everyone an update on the search for Ed's journal. Some Southwest Airlines friends of friends of ours were able to make contact with the flight attendants on board our plane and one of them confirmed that they definitely found Ed's journal after we deboarded the plane (and remarked to the other crew how sad it was-- so we know it's the right one) and turned it in to operations in Las Vegas. Now we just need to wait until it turns up in the system, hopefully soon at central baggage in Dallas. So while it's not found yet, this thankfully means that at least it is not in a gutter or dumpster somewhere.
I will take time soon to more properly thank everyone, but for now, please just know how incredibly grateful we are for the efforts you have all made, even when many of you did not even know us. Just amazing. Thank you again.

We are at the beach on the Eastern Shore for the weekend, so I may not sign back on until Monday.  But I just wanted to say thanks again before any more time passed.


  1. Oh, Mandy! How wonderful! Keeping my fingers crossed that it lands in Ed's hands before long.

  2. So glad to hear Ed's journal has been found!


  3. Hi Mandy,

    I have come across your blog via the wide world of facebook and your post in search of the journal. I reposted it, but it looks like you are on the way to finding it. I also wanted to say that while I do not know you, my family and I can feel your pain in some way due to the abruptness of this disease. My young cousin was taken from bacterial meningitis at the age of 2 many years ago, and my dear brother, Patrick Kepferle, was taken at the age of almost 19 as a freshman at Towson University in March 2000. I hope you are surviving your grief and the loss of your beautiful daughter. Take care and I sincerely hope you are able to find the journal.
    Sincerely, Kaci Kepferle
